
We Do It All

Excavation is one of the most important aspects of a commercial, residential, or industrial construction project. Our slate of services is designed to position us as your “go to” earth services contractor no matter the size of your project. The Vilhauer Team’s ability to meet and exceed your expectations on every level is the hallmark of our success. The experience we bring to the table and the quality of work that our team performs sets us apart from the rest of the pack.

Mass Excavation

Turn-key excavation services

Moisture Conditioning

Pre-swell to required moisture content, water injection, chemical injection

Sub-grade Prep

Lime stabilization, cement stabilization, flex base, CTB

Fine Grading

All pavement surface types and any surface requirements


Above and below ground, structural, trash, Haz Mat remediation

Tree Clearing

Grinding and trench burning

Erosion Control

Meet all SWIP requirements


All construction surveying for the project